What is your favorite Spring beer?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Aimee leaned out over the counter of the bagel shop and wondered with her chin balanced atop interlaced fingers. College had been fun but almost entirely useless; her current post running the day shift at Third Street Bagels convincingly attested to that. Making bagels used to be what she did on the side to make drinking money; then the student loans stopped paying rent and bagels became a career.

She mulled more than she worked, it seemed. Maybe living alone was the problem. Her mind shifted to her anti-roommate stance seamlessly and gave her a new set of issues to vex.

Before she wandered too far down that trail the god-awful jangly/tinny bell above the door rang to announce another nameless, same-face college girl wanting breakfast. She ordered something and Aimee went back to the kitchen. By the time she brought the wrapped meal back out to the front she realized that she had no idea what was under the paper. She rang up a random sandwich, didn’t get any response as money was exchanged, and realized that her subconscious probably knew what the order was all alone.

That’s what it was like at that point. Aimee would not have even had to show up as long as her brain got to work on time. It could be different, she knew. She could just leave she could just-

“I drink myself a million times around the world, just to get out of this place!” It was Kim, probably Aimee’s best friend from the flower shop across the street. She was reciting a Dave Matthews line that they had come to adopt as a mantra.

“No fair sleeping on the job if I can’t. Why’s it so dead in here anyways?”

“I couldn’t tell you. I also couldn’t tell you what the hell my underlings have been doing back there for the past three hours. I only hope they’ve made some bagels in the meantime.”

“Oh, you give me hope that one day I could be a manager.”

Aimee moved to pour two small cups of coffee. She plunked a pair of ice cubes in each glass so that the two of them could actually drink the caffeine in a reasonable amount of time. Kim slid around to Aimee’s side and took her cup.

“How’s flowers?” Aimee asked.

“Oh, you know the morning rush isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just filling orders out. Haven’t had a real customer all day. It’s just as well, I stayed up way too late last night.”

Aimee knew what Kim was talking about; she had been there. Kim’s well, boyfriend, for lack of a better term Jeff played at the dive bar down the street last night and they had all been there to watch his band.

“It’s all over now, baby blue.” That one wasn’t hard to quote as Bob Dylan was singing it out over their heads at the moment.

“What does that even mean?” Aimee asked.

“It’s a rip on Donny Osmond, I heard.”

“That’s impossible. Dylan doesn’t have animosity against singular people.”

“I dunno. That’s what my dad told me last time I was back home for the holidays."

“You know way too many semi-interesting shitbits.” Shitbits was another word that the two had created while sitting around with too much time to think about, well, shit.

‘Fake Plastic Trees’ faded into the shop on the heels of Dylan.

“This seems like one of those days you have to revel in it, you know? Except it needs to be cloudy to be clichéd,” Kim muttered. She always knew the right thing to say. It was a catchy song, though, once it got going, and they were nodding their heads soon enough without realizing it.

“I still remember this video,” Aimee said. “It came out when I was in middle school, maybe. Thom Yorke was being pushed around a grocery store in a shopping cart singing to the camera. There was this purposely horrible, flickering, pale lighting that made him look even creepier.” Kim snorted at the reference to Radiohead’s ‘hit’ sing.

‘I wish I remembered that kind of stuff. I used to sit in my living room when we had days off from school to record cool videos on the VCR. I don’t think good bands even bother to make videos any more. Just those goddamn emo kids on MTV36 or whatever it’s up to by now.

“You want fucking emo, listen to Radiohead. They would put these emo kids into comas.”

Kim clacked her mug into Aimee’s too harshly, shattering the mood.

“Well, I should go back there and see if I have to fire anyone today,” Aimee sighed.

“Ok. You doing anything tonight?”

“I don’t know. Might see what David’s up too. I can only handle your boys for so long.”

“You’re lucky. I’ll call you.”

Aimee nodded and took their cups with her into the kitchen after Kim walked out the door.

Later that evening Aimee was in the same slumped position over her own smaller bar at the edge of the kitchen in her tiny but roommate-free apartment. The morning’s coffee had been traded for a largish glass of red wine but the mood was pretty much the same. She glanced over at the half-empty green bottle a few inches from her elbow as though it were a personal assistant with a calendar of events at the ready. Hearing nothing she liked, Aimee’s scoffed with a small smile. After draining the rest of her glass she picked up the phone.

As it rang she twirled with the receiver in her hand so that the ridiculously long curly cord that stretched a good ten feet between the wall and her hand wrapped around her body. It was something that at one time she had decided to try but by now was such a ritual that Aimee did not realize she had a ritual.

“Hey sweetie. What’cha up to?”

“Getting ready to go down to the hotel again. That guy takes more days off than a CEO,” David answered. “What are you doing?”

“That’s what I’. Trying to figure out.”

“You can always come down to the hotel with me. I can try to get you free drinks if that dick of a concierge isn’t hanging around.”

Aimee thought it over, or rather, pretended to give the possibility consideration.

“Oh, what the hell. I’ll see you down there.”

“Well, good. One fan clapping.”

“Is that even allowed there?”

“I don’t know. I just assumed nobody thought I was any damn good. Maybe they’re just not allowed to shower me with praises. I’ll see you down there, lover.”

“Kisses, I’m sure.”

Aimee drummed her fingers against her chin to a song she had listened to earlier in the day before caffeine had given way to barbiturates. She shrugged the woolgathering off and decided that she needed to take a shower.

The water seemed to shake off Aimee’s lethargy enough to make walking the scant but cold blocks to the downtown hotel David was playing at seem manageable so she set out on her journey.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Huge news from the Brewery!!!

Natsmile Ales has converted from a bottling-only operation to a kegging facility. The first two beers, a Rye IPA and an Anchor Steam Clone are on tap right now with more to come as soon as we get settled into our new brewery space located at 4308 King Edward Court in Greensboro. The new facility will be a residence with a brewery/bar on the second floor. This makes for a more streamlined operation (and a much happier wife who will finally be able to reclaim the kitchen for food preparation instead of plumbing for the brewery)

Pictures of the new facility will be up around mid-December and tours available around that time as well.

Currently we have the two aforementioned beers on tap as well as a wide variety of bottled offerings including a sweet stout, two different brown ales, a pumpkin ale, some recently discovered Juniper Ale, and a few other things. With the moving date looming, we may just be a bit more willing to give away copiuos amounts of beer rather than having to haul it all across town.

The next brews will be another Batch of Ken's Pale Ale with a different hop variety (don't even get me started on the hops crisis) and probably another porter of some sort. More taps are coming soon to the brewry, so we must fill the lines with multitudes of barley pop as soon as possible!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Big Update for Natsmile Ales

Whew. A lot has been happening at the brewery since I last logged in. Right now we have a Bell's Best Brown clone and something we call 'Little Brother Brown', which was created from the second runnings of the Bell's clone. We added a bit of brown sugar to kick it up and it turned into a great session brown ale. The first All-Grain, Ken's Pale Ale, is almost gone, and the Pumpkin Ale was a big hit as well.

Just today we created an Anchor Steam clone, bottled a Sweet Stout, and moved a Rye Pale Ale to the secondary fermenter. We also tapped the first bottle of Bourbon Barrel Old Ale, brewed in February, and it was coming along nicely. Another two months in the bottle and it should be real nice. At 9.58% ABV, it's no joke.

Next week we're going to brew a Chocolate Raspberry Stout for the Christmas Season. Cheers!

Natsmile Ales

Monday, October 08, 2007

Take a tour of Natsmile Ales!

These pics are not in order and are a long time in coming since I'm drinking the batch you're seeing in these pictures six weeks later, but it's my all-grain brewery up and running. These are by far the best beers I have made in the year and a half that I've been brewing. I've brewed a Black and Blueberry Wheat since then that turned out pretty well and a Bell's Best Brown clone as well as something I call 'Little Brother Brown Ale" (A Northern English Ale) from the second runnings of the Bell's clone that registers at 4.2%. It's got brown sugar as a key ingredient along with DME, so we'll see how that works.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I've been up all night; I might sleep all day (The Dunes)

October 3, 2007 - Wednesday

If you never have; stay up all night at least once
Current mood: cynical
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

I vividly remember the last time I stayed up all night. I was at the tail-end of grad school and didn't have anything better to do so I thought it would be fun to see the sun come up. I called a friend and drank my way through two-thirds of a case of low alcohol beer while shooting the shit (ah, free nights and weekends) and just watched the sky turn colors. It was fun.
When you have to work from dusk 'til dawn, though, it loses some of the quaintness. A few days ago I spent the night with my boss watching over 1000 bicyclists spending the night at our park while working their way from one end of NC to the other (hell of a vacation, eh?)
This time around it was much less spectacular. I tried to sleep in my desk chair at one point and failed miserably; I grew strangly itchy all over my body, and I was expected to be uber-cheery at 6 am when the bikers wanted breakfast. It was not fun.
Do I recommend staying up all night and watching the sky go from midnight to rose to bright as day? Yes; at least once a decade. It's a beautiful and rare thing that should be treated with as much reverence and intoxication as plausible and not bastardized by work requirements. If you haven't, do; If you haven't in a while, plan to, and to those of you recent revelers, cheers!

Currently listening :
Language. Sex. Violence. Other?
By Stereophonics
Release date: 29 March, 2005

9:02 PM - 0 Comments

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Beers On Tap

Beers on Tap
Current mood: awake

I've been asked recently what beers I have available and have taken stock. Here are the results:

Juniper Red- Lil' bit

Apricot Wheat - Shit-ton

Make Mine a Double IPA- Lil' bit

Bell's Two-Hearted- Private Stock

Garden Wedding Cream Ale- A Good Amount

Sweet Wheat - Shit-ton

Ken's Pale Ale- Shit-ton

Red Headed Ale- Shit-ton

Bourbon Barrel Old Ale - Ready in December

Pumpkin Ale - Ready in two weeks

Black and Blue Wheat - Ready in three weeks

Bell's Best Brown and Little Brother Brown are fermenting now; a stout and/or Barleywine is on-deck!!!

Currently listening :
Shine: The Best of the Early Years
By David Gray
Release date: 03 April, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Chugging along in All-Grain Land

I just made my third (and consequentially fourth) all-grain batch and I am loving this method. I made a Bell's Best Brown Clone and had such a thick wort going even after I got my 6.5 gallons for the boil I decided to keep three gallons of it and boil up a second batch (called Little Brother Brown; a Northern Brown Ale) on the stove while the original beer cooled. Long story short, I now have ten gallons of beer fermenting in my beer fridge, a 5.9% American Brown Ale and a 4.2% Northern Brown Ale. It only took an extra hour (out of an already 6 hour day) to make a weaker, session beer at the same time as my original recipe. I will probably do this a lot more when making barleywines or Imperial anything. I still have a ton of beer left over from the wedding, but I can't stop brewing. My Pumpkin Ale will be bottled on Sunday and a Black and Blue Berry wheat the next week. My Porter is at its peak flavor and in another week my first all-grain, the American Pale Ale, will be fully carbonated. That beer is by far the most commercial tasting beer I've ever made, so if it's any indication of what All grain can do, I can't wait to have a few batches to let people try!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Dust Has Almost Settled

We got through the wedding, the honeymoon, and our only problem now is that we have a ton of beer. There are about six cases of macro-brew left, maybe four cases of my own, and a few cases of top shelf Texas micro as well as stuff from Anchor and Sam Adams. Let's not forget the hundred dollars or so that I dropped local California beer on the honeymoon [they all made it back in my suitcases safe and sound] I'm brewing either a Belgian Strong Ale or a Cherry Pale Ale tomorrow, but I can't even justify doing it. Oh well.

By the way, the picture to the right is my wedding present from Natalie. It plugs into my fridge and keeps the temp to within a degree of what I need. Right now I've got a porter I'm keeping at 60 degrees and it's working like a champ.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Wedding Beers A Go-Go

Wedding Beers a go-go
Current mood: lethargic

Well, I've finished all the beers that I made for the wedding [even the apricot is carbonated now] and here's the list-

Garden Wedding Cream Ale
Apricot Wheat
Black and Blue Wheat
Child-Sized Cherry Wheat
Juniper Red Ale
Brown Ale
Bell's Two-Hearted Clone
Make Mine A Double IPA
Sweet Wheat

It was not easy saving some for this long [the Brown, HopESB, and Black and Blue Wheat are at least three months old] but now there's 10 homebrew selections available. There are some gripes, of course; the Juniper and Apricot have some diacytel issues, but some surprises, too. The Sweet Wheat was awful when I tasted it; over the top cloying sweetness, but it really mellowed out in the bottle and now it's quite unadventurous but enjoyable as a lawnmoweer beer. All in all, it's been great fun and when I get back, I'm going to get an all-grain system and perfect the HopESB, as I think that's the soon-to-be flagship beer in my stable.

Just made my first porter a few days ago and it's now bubbling away in the airlock. I was very careful to keep this one in the fridge set on low, so it's maintained a 62 degree ferment the whole time. I liked the looks of this recipe because it called for a whole bunch of things that I needed to use up anyways, and the secondary fermentation takes 20 days, so I don't hav to mess with it until well after the honeymoon. Up next is that HopESB, a Cherry Stout, and a Maple Brown Ale.