The Brewers at Natsmile Ales will soon be working double-time to produce both quality and quantity amounts of beer for the upcoming festival season. NATALIPA will definitely be riding the circut as well as our HOPESB. Others will be sent off when they are available. The first competition is Raleigh in March. Hopefully we can claim a blue ribbon and then brag about it for a hundred years like that other famous blue-ribbon beer. Just kidding. We'll never be as tasty as an ice-cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. Mmmhhh, mmmhhh.
On a less sarcastic note, Head Brewer Ben Boven recently rediscovered true English IPA's and remembered how delicious they are, so we'll be attempting our first one real soon.
Oh, yeah. The UBU clone we attempted? We found out the recipe was way off (who would've thought you couldn't trust the first hit google gives you?) It turned out pretty good; kind of an Imperial ESB, but definitely not the right recipe, which we discovered later we had all along. Oh well, it's on tap now and tasty, if not hazy as all hell.