Well, Natsmile Ales got snubbed in our first competition. However, there is a ray of hope. We didn't know that we were supposed to name our specific herb, vegetable, or spice in said category, and if we had, our Juniper Red Ale would have scored in the high 30's, probably enough for a ribbon in that category. Guess what we're brewing again really soon? Guess who we're firing for clerical errors? That's right, Juniper Red Ale and the homeless guy we gave a fifth of Wild Rose to for filling out our boring comp paperwork. Bad Bum! No screw-top rotgut for you!
One a lighter note, the pic in this fortnight's blog features a book I'm brewing with a lot lately. It's very good and I recommend it.
Coming up, we're brewing a classic ESB from said book, more Juniper Red, and maybe another UBU clone. (Dammit, Kevin, quit your stupid weekend job!)

As promised (and proven by the lack of information) we've been brewing like mad hatters high on Un-Birthdays in preparation for competition season here in NC. Up for judging is the always popular NATALIPA along with a fantastic rookie in our Baltic Porter, and our Juniper Red Ale, brought out of retirement by our best friend and patron Chris 'Dusty' Robertson.
We've recently increased our capacity at the brewery to bring you more and various beers. That's right, we're churning out almost 17 barrels a year! Our first batch went almost flawlessly and yielded ten gallons of extremely drinkable Dry Stout that will no doubt be consumed in a single night of debauchery known as St. Patrick's Day. If you know the brewers at Natsmile Ales, now is the time to get in with them to taste this stuff.
Up next? Glad you asked. Maple Brown Ale. UBU Imperial Red Ale. (if Kevin will quit his job and realize that he's a brewer at heart) Ben still wants to attempt a Belgian Triple. He also dared an NC tornado to arm-wrestle tonight, though, so we'll see. He's a crazy bastard.
Love you guys. Drink good beer. Listen to real punk rock.