Summertime Brews Fest has come and gone once again, and this year was a bigger success for Natsmile Ales and it's affiliate Battleground Brewer's Guild. On the whole, 17 varieties of beer were on display at the BBG booth. Natsmile Ales showcased a flagship, Black and Blue Wheat, as well as Mountain Brew, half Mountain Dew, half beer.
Mountain Brew was met with mixed reviews. Some loved it, some hated it. Either way, it got people talking about our beer, and that's a great thing. Black and Blue Wheat was a favorite, but everyone loves a fruity wheat beer.
Up next is A Rye IPA and one more batch of Strawberry Wheat to close out the summer. We're thinking that it's also time for a High Gravity, High Hopped, Kick Your Face In beer in the near future. Stay tuned for more details as the drama unfolds at Natsmile Ales!!
ps- I'm the third guy in in the above pic.