The beer was fun to practice and the atmosphere that the final product was served in was fun as well.
Check this out: When you think wedding beer, you usually think Bud/Miller/Coors and mixed drinks. This wedding served Natsmile Ales beer, mead made by the preacher that officiated (with honey from his own bee hives), a keg of Highland Brewery's beer (a brewery in the town of said wedding) and the wine that was served was made just up the road at a winery (with its own vineyard) along the Blue Ridge Parkway. You talk about supporting local, man... it didn't get any better than this.
Add scenic views, four days in a great big cabin with a mish-mash of people, ping pong 'round the clock, and stops at some of Ashville, NC's great breweries, and it makes for a hell of a weekend.
Ninkasi had her way with the UBU that was left over upon returning to the brewery. A C02 hose got loose and sprayed a fine mist of beer all over the brewery over the course of a few days. We would have liked to bottle some up for competition, but so it goes. The wedding UBU was excellent and enjoyed by all. It is so written.
This beer is really good and we can brew it at either 6% or 7.5% as we see fit, so it will without a doubt be a regular at the pub.
ps- Kevin, who we've mentioned many times before as the best intern Natsmile Ales has ever had, is the guy in the suit walking alongside the pretty girl in white. I'm the guy in the wicked bright blue shirt at the edge of the picture.