As you might guess from the title, Head Brewer Ben is getting ready for a new addition to the family. What does that mean for you, Natsmile Ales patrons? Why, lots and lots of great beer!
The brewers will be working as around-the-clock as possible to deliver you all the variety and abundance of beers you've come to expect. Once the new year and new baby hits, things may slow down, but we'll keep our fingers crossed on that one.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the first annual Natsmile Ales Cookout at the Brewery. It was a huge success which completely demolished our kegs of Cream Ale and Strawberry Wheat. We exposed a lot of people to our beers for the first time, and exposing ourselves to people is what we're all about here at the brewery. ;)
On tap right now is a big brown ale that's full of caramel and coffee flavor with a 6.24% ABV kick. Coming up real soon is an English Special Bitter, or ESB, that's hopped exclusively with Fuggles to balance the big Maris Otter malt profile. Next up is a Cream Ale, an IPA, and then a big bad Barleywine to be laid down should there be desperate dry times once baby Boven hits the scene.
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