Head Brewer Ben is on his way to Raleigh, NC to try his hand at becoming a BJCP certified beer judge this weekend. 60% of people who try fail the first time, but that's probably because they didn't watch The Big Lebowski for a week straight like Ben did.
You scoff, but he got through both college and grad school that way. He'll pass, if the Dude abides.
We've got cream ale in the works, as well as an old Favorite, NataliESB on tap right now. Up next is a slap in the face of the hop crisis Double India Pale Ale. Shall we use Magnum, Simcoe, or Nugget hops? All three? Whatever we decide we promise it'll kick your face in.
We're also making an interesting beer for Summertime Brews Fest right here in Greensboro called Mountain Brew. Half Mountain Dew, half beer. This is either going to be horrible or kind of alright. You know if we weren't up for experimentation we might as well be (Earmuffs!!!) fucking Budweiser!
So keep drinking, keep checking in, and keep supporting craft beer!
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